Software Tutorial,Education -

※ Download: Onecnc xr6 download

I would call support and see if your password is correct and if it is still valid.. One time I needed to reload the software on one of my computers and it was an older version. You may want to call them at the number I have provided and see if that sale has been extended or even a new offering. First, the Citrix site would not recognize that I had the presentation software loaded, and now that it is recognizing that I do have it, it cannot find the software to run.

Download went smooth on first try about 3 hours ago. I do everything in 2D so I don't know much about the 3D aspects of the software.

Software Tutorial,Education - - John Originally Posted by : I have tried a couple of times to run the demo thru Citrix, but it bombs out Steve, I just logged on to the eval server and it is running fine here..

Bob, It's been almost 18 downloads since you posted this, and still no responses. Or onnecnc they have downloaded and are now choking on the thought that they've already paid 3x the money and all it bought them was a program onecnc 3x as difficult to use I've been using it for about 16 months now, and the only thing I can say is its the best blind faith purchase I've ever made. Clicking the link above gave me a page that had Download Evaluation. That goes to the main download page that has no link to actually download the software. That link is 404 currently. So, guess I'm still waiting. This may warrant a new, completely separate thread, so downloae me know and I'll do so. Download went smooth on first try about xr6 hours ago. Installed it and called the 877 number on their Web site and talked to a girl that was very helpful and must have answered all her questions to her satisfaction and received the activation code from her. Download, install, and phone call all took not more than 20 minutes. I played with it for awhile until I had to attend to more important duties. Will play onecnc more tomorrow but so far it looks rather simplistic. How about no support for gang type lathes? Think that might be important to some? How about no solid model cut part verification in the lathe module? How about the lack of choices when doenload geometry for toolpath? I'm using the real thing. Should have xr6 time to install it in the next few weeks. Our shop has the Advantage version for mill and the Express version for lathe. Just goes to show how wrong those are who say that complaints don't get addressed. I saw no download in really commenting in depth until I got the demo I and others have long requested. You will need at least the Pro version to create downllad modelsthere is download no reason not to use it. I have used it for nearly three years and still am xr6 at the many capabilities. As my capabilities have grown I am onscnc finding previously unused functions to aid this. So it does not yet have capability with all the less common lathes out there. I'd like to see front and rear toolpost support, too. I don't feel too strongly about the value of a 3d solid simulation in lathe. Sure it might be nice, but you can run the toolpath preview and see a solid model representation of your part, and the tools if you have 3d tool models in your tool library, which you should, because there are many tool models that come with the software. That and a backplot is what I check my processes with. I'd suggest for clarity in these reviews, that each poster start a new discussion thread about whatever particular feature they have questions about, lest this become a giant hodge podge. I do everything in 2D so I don't know much about onecnc 3D aspects of the software. It was a full version of the software.


I was just hoping to have a workable copy for myself, so that I could do some drawings at home, the environment here sux and it's hard to concentrate at times. This was taken from an e-mail that I received on May 15, 2009. John Originally Posted by : I have tried a couple of times to run the demo thru Citrix, but it bombs out Steve, I just logged on to the eval server and it is running fine here.. How about the lack of choices when chaining geometry for toolpath? A really nice bunch of guys that are willing to try and help anyone with a question. As my capabilities have grown I am still finding previously unused functions to aid this. I'd like to see front and rear toolpost support, too.